Thursday, January 19, 2012

Cool drinks and private thoughts . . .

Sometimes, the best book you ever read was the best book you ever wrote ~ Me

I love writing.  But even more than that, I love reading what I wrote so many years ago.  Reliving the thoughts that I long forgot.  Seeing the person you've grown from become the person you've grown into.  I used this particular journal for three years.  The cover is a bit worn from the constant handling.  It definitely makes for some good reading . . .

Manual ~ ISO 1600 ~ f8 ~ 1/8

This post is submitted as part of Debduty's This or That Thursday.  Join in!


  1. Ive kept some type of journal since I could write!i know my mother has a few from high school still. I'll have to go read them sometime!

  2. That's so nice that you've kept a journal for so long. I've never kept one, but at least I'll have the blog to look back at.

  3. Yes, Yes!! Going back through old journals is such a blessing. I love seeing what I was thinking, what was going on, and how God was working. I think I"ll do some reading today. Blessings friend.

    1. I totally agree, I love re-reading my journals and as I am writing I have one next to me to keep some fews words in there.

      I am so happy you are back to blogging. You are one of the bloggers I keep thinking about and I my glad I found your blog back to you again. Welcome back, hope you stay awhile :).

  4. Hey where have you been? What are you up to? Miss seeing and hearing from you on the blogosphere!!

  5. I read a comment on another blog you had posted 2 years ago:
    "I so agree with you. I think morons are gifted with charisma. They are able to disarm your loser radar. They also have that "potential" that you just want to help harness, but reality is you can never get someone motivated if they aren't internally motivated."

    I love your thoughts.. so darned true!! story of my life...
